We are Cleaning Castlemaine!

Get that freshly cleaned feeling you love!

At Cleaning Castlemaine we specialise in build cleans, pre-sale property and vacate cleaning.

Pre-Sale Property Cleaning

With so much to prepare for the sale, it makes sense to make your property shine by investing in our Pre-Sale Property Cleaning Service to make your property as appealing as possible to prospective buyers.

Vacate Cleaning

We can help to reduce the stress of the necessary scrubbing, wiping, degreasing, and polishing required with Vacate Cleaning.

Please note – we require a minimum of 7 days notice for Pre-Sale Property Cleaning and Vacate Cleaning.

Customer love!

At Cleaning Castlemaine we have over 50 5 star reviews!

“I quite literally was speechless. Never seen anything like it. How did you get the oven door so clear? Absolutely amazeballs. Best money I ever spent. The real estate agent just confirmed that we’ll get our whole bond back. Thank you so much!!!! Wonderful job.“

Antoinette S

“I love coming home after the team has been, the house looks so lovely and it FEELS clean as soon as you walk in. Meg is really trustworthy and I feel safe leaving my home in her very kind and capable hands. I have had many cleaners over the years and these guys are the best!“

Melissa O

“Meg has an impeccable eye for detail, all the small things lots of cleaners miss – they do not miss. Lifting rugs, vacuuming between couch cushions, cleaning behind fridges … no stone is left unturned. I couldn’t be happier with the effort, price and timing.“

Hollie B

Please note – we require a minimum of 7 days notice for Pre-Sale Property Cleaning and Vacate Cleaning.